With the kiln here for about a year now, I’m starting to notice some semblance of a cycle emerging. Sometimes the fresh pots have to be sanded and rushed off to a craft fair somewhere, but with the studio tour here come and gone the pots I recently unloaded are still out by the kiln, not yet sanded but not unnoticed. It’s good to have them around for little while. Back to work, first thing is to make sure the wood for the next round is stacked and covered by the kiln. Then make sure there is enough on the property for the one after that. Spent all day today running back and forth from the local sawmill, “harvesting” wood from the scrap pile. I’m already anxious to get back to work in the studio but it seems a lot of here and there will be going on for a few more days. Logistics, as Shane says, for the metal on Jane Peiser’s chimney. Maybe a website to build for another potter next week, then there’s that display booth I have to build soon.
A few more peeks at the last firing until I get those photographs up.
Hi Will! Nice new page. I like the look of it. Your pots are looking good, just like I knew they wood.
those pots look sweeeet. i like the new blog.
It takes an artist’s eye to make a stack of wood look interesting, but you managed to do it!
Nice looking pots, too!