A few more pots from the last firing, finally photographed. I had a few forms which were new or improved which I left bare, meaning no flashing slip or nothing. Just the raw clay, loaded strategically into certain areas of the kiln. These two square bottles were a small version of a new form which I will definitely be continuing. They may never again measure up to the flashing marks on these two.
The square jar is a larger version of a form I have made for some time now. The little plate is just nice. It has been nice to watch these plates come and go from the last two firings. A lot of them have come out of the kiln with just the kind of marks I am hoping for, and they’ve disappeared quickly too.
Finally got the metal on the chimney at Jane Peiser’s today. “Chet” came to do the welding, we hoisted the angle irons into place, and then he welded a few extra support pieces from the chimney to the metal on the kiln, just for good measure.
I did get some work done in the studio last week, but now I’m getting into the wood project pretty deep. Hopefully I’ll have the display racks and pedestals built by later this week so I can get them painted and get back to the wheel.