Hard to believe that we’re well into the summer season. Settling back in after the Studio Tour, found the blueberries coming along nicely up here on the mountain. The traffic trickled in all weekend, with many of the visitors being folks with whom we were already acquainted. It’s always great to see the rare breed who make repeated trips out to see the pottery. I had five examples of a new form I had made in the last firing and all five went home with someone, it was nice to see that others liked the new vase as much as I had hoped they might.
I hope to get back into the studio before too long, but as usual there is a long list of catch up to do which is overwhelming the studio demands at the moment. The next few weeks will bring some kiln building projects, as well as an exciting and ceramic related website project…stay tuned for more details.
Hi Will, I have to shamefully admit that this is probably the first time I’ve visited your website. My loss for sure. I look forward to catching up on some past posts. Thanks for the comment on that NextGen plugin. I see you are really using the Simpleviewer nicely. You have a much better grasp on this whole WP thing than I do I think. Your site looks great all the way through. It’s something I want to really work on in the next few months.
All for now. I’ll be back! And I’ll add you to my Reader and my links. Best, Ron