I was very pleased to be invited to participate in an exhibition at the Schaller Gallery, which is an online gallery based out of Montana. I packed up and shipped out some of my favorites a few weeks ago for the show titled “Burnt”, and subtitled “from crusty and toasty to smooth and silky”. I am not sure exactly where my pots belong on that spectrum, but it is some fine company indeed. Participating artists include: Phil Rogers, Dan Anderson, Mark Goertzen, Tom & Jeff Unzicker, Bede Clarke, Ben Bates, Linda Christianson, Chris Campbell, Donn Hedman, Joe Singewald, Gary Hootman, and myself.
Looking forward to a first firing in a new kiln brings excitement and rattles the nerves a bit. And as the pile of pots from the last few firings grows smaller and smaller, the tendency is to hold on tight to the remaining ones. But I sent some nice ones out to Montana for this show, so head on over and have a look at the show. The show will open at 12:01 am Thursday July 1 and remain online through Sunday July 31, 2010.