This Weekend

So many events going on this weekend, there’s no way you could make it to all of them if you tried. You’re just going to have to make some decisions on which way to go. Here’s a little list to help you. We’ve all ready covered the Holiday Sale down at MudFire Gallery in Atlanta. […]
First Firing Report

After all the work of the last few weeks, it’s good to finally be on the other side of all of the changes taking place in my little world. Settling into the new studio took a bit longer than expected, but with the first firing now over and done with there is finally a bit […]
Mt. Pallet

We had a work day up at the EnergyXchange last week to finish up some of the last details of the new wood kiln, but mainly to harness many hands and a large trailer to move a bunch of pallets. This kiln is designed to eat entire pallets, whole. Did I mention that I’ve moved […]