This Weekend

So many events going on this weekend, there’s no way you could make it to all of them if you tried. You’re just going to have to make some decisions on which way to go. Here’s a little list to help you. We’ve all ready covered the Holiday Sale down at MudFire Gallery in Atlanta. […]

I was very pleased to be invited to participate in an exhibition at the Schaller Gallery, which is an online gallery based out of Montana. I packed up and shipped out some of my favorites a few weeks ago for the show titled “Burnt”, and subtitled “from crusty and toasty to smooth and silky”. I […]

This little group of three tumblers went to New Orleans recently as part of an Annual Invitational Juried Exhibition held at the Ogden Museum of Southern Art and titled “The Art of the Cup: Functional Comfort”. I was very pleased to be included in this event and happy that at least my tumblers were heading to New Orleans […]