Spring 2012

There a re not many things more wonderful than Spring in the mountains. I love seeing the first hints of color coming back onto the trees after staring at the same old bare branches for so long. The Fall colors get all the glory, but the and even though the Spring ones are more subtle […]
The Last Firing
The October firings went well, although each one lasted a few hours longer than usual. Here are some pictures from the unloading of the 14th firing, showing a larger serving bowl, a mug, and a new vase form. Many of the dinner plates and most of the square jars have all ready found a good […]
A New Soda Kiln

Back from the two-week stay at Penland, a little tired but mostly unharmed. Another Shane Mickey kiln now resides in Mitchell County, built with the help of several students. I was there to assist Shane and in the two weeks we built a modest sized soda kiln and fired it twice with the work made […]