After The Firing (ATF)

It’s been a busy Spring here in the mountains, but we finally managed to get the kiln fired and unloaded. So many times with a firing looming it seems that everything gets put off until after the firing. I was reminded by my pottery pal Michael Kline that this phenomenon is not limited to me, […]
The Last Firing
The October firings went well, although each one lasted a few hours longer than usual. Here are some pictures from the unloading of the 14th firing, showing a larger serving bowl, a mug, and a new vase form. Many of the dinner plates and most of the square jars have all ready found a good […]
Studio Tour!

TRAC Studio Tour June 12, 13th and 14th Friday 12:00-4:00 Saturday and Sunday 10:00-6:00 [Click here for a map and more info!] The big weekend is here! It’s the Toe River Arts Council Studio Tour, of course. Over one hundred craft studios to visit in the mountains of Western North Carolina, and out on the […]