Spring 2012

There a re not many things more wonderful than Spring in the mountains. I love seeing the first hints of color coming back onto the trees after staring at the same old bare branches for so long. The Fall colors get all the glory, but the and even though the Spring ones are more subtle […]
Fresh Flowers

Hurry on over to the Schaller Gallery online where the latest show just opened this morning. A few weeks ago I sent off a few vases and little bud vases off to their new location in Michigan. There is a fantastic selection of vases, all photographed with flowers. Stop here and smell the flowers. Around the […]
Straight Into the New Year

It’s shaping up to be a busy and exciting year from the looks of the calendar. Getting ready for a firing in a few weeks means another wood day at Pallet Mountain. After a few more weeks working towards filling the kiln I’ll be taking a “break” to head down to Asheville for a kiln-building […]
This Weekend

So many events going on this weekend, there’s no way you could make it to all of them if you tried. You’re just going to have to make some decisions on which way to go. Here’s a little list to help you. We’ve all ready covered the Holiday Sale down at MudFire Gallery in Atlanta. […]
The Holidays at MudFire

While waiting for the unloading of the first soda firing, I remembered that there are a few events coming up this holiday season. I sent some pots down to Atlanta for a show that just began down at the MudFire Studio and Gallery. Below are the full details of the show including the extensive list […]
Brick by Brick

It has been one never ending pile of bricks for me over the last few weeks. As mentioned in the last post, I was hired to build a new soda kiln for the good folks at the Odyssey Center. This particular kiln is a cross draft soda kiln, about 15 cubic feet of stacking space, […]
Back In the Studio
Another month come and gone. Not too much time in the studio in the last month, but lots of other exciting developments. Went on a great hiking and camping trip in Maine, and another kiln building adventure with Captain Conepack himself down to the Seagrove area of NC. There are more kiln building activities developing […]
First Firing Report

After all the work of the last few weeks, it’s good to finally be on the other side of all of the changes taking place in my little world. Settling into the new studio took a bit longer than expected, but with the first firing now over and done with there is finally a bit […]

I was very pleased to be invited to participate in an exhibition at the Schaller Gallery, which is an online gallery based out of Montana. I packed up and shipped out some of my favorites a few weeks ago for the show titled “Burnt”, and subtitled “from crusty and toasty to smooth and silky”. I […]
Mt. Pallet

We had a work day up at the EnergyXchange last week to finish up some of the last details of the new wood kiln, but mainly to harness many hands and a large trailer to move a bunch of pallets. This kiln is designed to eat entire pallets, whole. Did I mention that I’ve moved […]
After The Firing (ATF)

It’s been a busy Spring here in the mountains, but we finally managed to get the kiln fired and unloaded. So many times with a firing looming it seems that everything gets put off until after the firing. I was reminded by my pottery pal Michael Kline that this phenomenon is not limited to me, […]
A Little Help

I was invited by my old pal Drew Nicklas to be part of an exhibit at Pottery Northwest in Seattle entitled “Four By Four”. The theme of the show was some of the current resident artists there at the arts center inviting some of their friends and mentors to send pieces and create a diverse […]
Looking Back, Looking Forward

In preparing for a few upcoming events, I’ve been cruising through images of old work and thinking a lot lately about how this whole pottery thing got started and where it has been going. Here is the quick version: like a lot of clay people, I got started by accident and I was hooked before […]
In the Studio

The last week has seen the first pots of the next firing cycle. Some times it seems odd how much time is spent not in the studio when one is supposedly a studio potter. Aside from all of the general day to day duties, the stacking and moving of wood to heat the house, etc., […]
“Asheville In the Bull City”
A new year is off to a good start with a few exciting plans on the horizon, and hopefully a few more yet to come. Of course, we can only print those that have been confirmed as of this date…but stay tuned for more details of upcoming shows and workshops… First up for the new […]
Happy Holidays

Wanted to wish every one out there in blogland Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year. I’ve been out of the studio for a few weeks but staying busy as always…where did the month of December go anyway? Here’s a brief review of the last few weeks: the last two sales wound up all right […]
Online Sale Coming Soon!

The Holiday Season is fast approaching and I’m putting the finishing touches on the online sales gallery. Here is a sneak peek of some of the pots going online this weekend. I’ve set aside a nice selection of pieces from the Fall firings this year to offer in the ETSY SHOP, and I hope to […]

This little group of three tumblers went to New Orleans recently as part of an Annual Invitational Juried Exhibition held at the Ogden Museum of Southern Art and titled “The Art of the Cup: Functional Comfort”. I was very pleased to be included in this event and happy that at least my tumblers were heading to New Orleans […]
The Last Firing
The October firings went well, although each one lasted a few hours longer than usual. Here are some pictures from the unloading of the 14th firing, showing a larger serving bowl, a mug, and a new vase form. Many of the dinner plates and most of the square jars have all ready found a good […]
Spruce Pine Potters Market

If you haven’t already made your plans to head up to the mountains this weekend, it’s not too late. The fall colors are starting to come in, and this weekend you can find all of these potters under one roof. The Spruce Pine Potters Market is held in Spruce Pine, North Carolina this Saturday and […]
Slow and Steady

Up on the mountain Fall has been creeping in since the last of August, with rain rain rain. This working cycle seems to be taking forever, but I’m finally nearing the end in the studio with hopes of firing the kiln in the next two weeks. The pottery is slowly piling up, plates and bowls […]
Local Happenings

I’ve been holding on to this set of four dinner plates from the last firing as some of the finest. I dropped them off at Crimson Laurel Gallery today, along with a set of four smaller plates suitable for lunch or perhaps dessert. An exhibit of great pieces for serving and sharing is opening this […]
Fresh Pots

The next few days after a firing are always an interesting period of reflection…it seemed to have gone well but one never wants to let expectations soar too high. It seemed Firing #11 went well, 23 hours is about right and most of the cones were down where I wanted them down. Unloading proved that […]

It’s been a busy few weeks here on Roan Mountain, what with the firing and the Studio Tour and all. The last firing was very successful with nice pots coming out all around. My plates turned out well and are almost all gone already. More on the firing to come… I’ve gotten lost in the […]